Sunday, 6 June 2010

Human 'Beings'


I can't remember who said "...we are human 'beings' NOT human 'doings'..."

I know - it's a clever play on words, but what does it mean?

Goethe said:
"Before you can do something, you must 'be' something."

Now he was a smart bloke. So my pondering today if you want to join me is; if I stopped thinking for a moment about what I'd like to 'do' and instead thought a bit about what I'd like to BE more, what would that 'be'?

When Muhammed Ali was asked: "If you hadn't been a boxer what would you have been?"
He replied: "The best! I'd have been the best at whatever I did, the best dustman, the best roadsweeper...etc." (I'm paraphrasing)
The point is - his attitude. He would have 'been' the best at whatever he set his mind to. Think about what impact that kind of attitude would have on your life if you decided to adopt it in everything you did.

If you decided to BE the best...surveyor, product manager, school teacher, nurse, estate agent etc. you could possibly be.
If you decided to BE the best...husband, wife, partner, daughter, son, brother, sister etc. you could possibly be.
If you decided to BE the best...friend, colleague, neighbour, citizen etc. you could possibly be.
If you decided to BE the best...communicator, inspirer, nurturer, adventurer etc. you could possibly be.
If you decided to BE the best mountain climber, swimmer, runner, footballer, dancer etc. you could possibly be.

The list is endless, play around with it, give it some thought, ask yourself ; Am I being the best I can be?

for now

Be Inspired


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