Sunday, 19 January 2014

75 mins of musical inspiration

If you want a bit of musical inspiration listen to this 75 mins long compilation of the brilliant Ludovico Einaudi.

This is what I listen to when I want that spark.

PS: To get your f.ree copy of my new eBook ”Do You Hate Your Job?” a full two weeks before it goes on sale on Kindle (which will help you take the next step in your career), just sign up for my f.ree ‘Ponders, Quotes and Questions‘ thought provoking email list here on the top right side of that page and you’ll get details soon.

Saturday, 18 January 2014


Coaching is not about creating excellence but rather increasing the frequency in which someone achieves it.

PS: To get your f.ree copy of my new eBook ”Do You Hate Your Job?” a full two weeks before it goes on sale on Kindle (which will help you take the next step in your career), just sign up for my f.ree ‘Ponders, Quotes and Questions‘ thought provoking email list here on the top right side of that page and you’ll get details soon.
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