Sunday, 31 March 2013

How would you like to resurrect your career?

Happy Easter!

This is the time of year to consider rebirthing.

Our relationships. Our friendships. Our goals. Our careers.

Take time today to consider this.


PS: To subscribe to my daily thought provoking email list titled: 'Ponders, Quotes and Questions', which is already helping hundreds of people each day have new and enlightening thoughts about themselves - simply opt in to my online video training series here:

or just email me at:  saying: 'Yes please' in the subject line. :)

Saturday, 30 March 2013

What's your biggest barrier to moving forwards?

If you feel you have barriers to moving forwards in your life and cannot figure out a way through them, over them or around them - then it's time to get a new perspective, a new Mindset.

A great start point is to watch my free online video training series which will help you get clear about where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there.

Click here to get access:


How hard do you think it is to change your job?

Maybe you could learn to love your job, maybe not.

Maybe you need to change your job, or start your own business.

In order to make that decision you must get clear about what you'd like to do, about what opportunities are open to you at the moment and how you are are going to move towards that better future.

If you need help with that watch my free video training series online.
Get immediate access here:


What do you wish to experience right now?

Our everyday experiences are decided by our Mindset.

It dictates what perspective we have on our circumstances.

And the quickest way to experience something, according to Neale Donald Walsch, is to cause somebody else to experience it first.


PS: My complimentary Mindset changing video series might help, click here to get access:

Are you having a bad time at the moment?

Then you are heading for a better time.

That's the way life goes right - some ups, then some downs, then... some ups again!

What we have to do is be aware that those bad times are not permanent. We have to decide what we are going to learn from them. Then, keep our eyes fully open to the opportunities coming our way that we lead us to the good times again.

Try this complimentary Mindset changing video series, click here to get access:


PS: Just opt in on the next page and you can watch the videos online in the comfort of your own home. :)

What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?

#1 Start Your Own Business?
#2 Start a charity?
#3 Write a bestselling book?

Love you to add your comment on my Facebook page here:

or below if you prefer.

Complimentary video training series helps clear your mind...
Click here to access:


Friday, 15 March 2013

The happiest man in Sri Lanka

A film by Mike Worsman.
Video from KarmaTube

A great reminder here that a change in Mindset can enable you to enjoy a job you might hate at the moment.

Take a couple of minutes to watch this inspirational guy that KarmaTube are trying get registered as a bone fide tourist attraction (see end of video for details of how You can help).

Take time to smile today, and help someone else smile - please share this. :)


PS: If you want help changing your mindset watch my free training video here:

Do you hate your job?

FREE online Change Your Life video training series here: