Sunday, 23 January 2011

Find your creativity, find your joy!


Em and I were talking last night whilst we walked our dogs about being creative. We debated what it meant to be creative. I was arguing that in order to be truly happy one must be creating. Even the simple single celled organisms live only to re-create. Our deepest desire is to re-create by pro-creating. It's the most natural thing in the system we know as life. Everything that is alive is trying to re-create.
So, maybe if we find ourselves stuck in a job or in a life that isn't in a process of creating we become depressed. After all - this is our purpose. As living entities we are driven to create. Em's point was that simply by tidying her desk she is creating - she's creating a calm space in which to work which might then lead on to more creative thought processes. We debated this point for a while until I conceded that she was right. (It often happens that way!)
So, my point today is we just need to turn our attention to what we are already doing and find the creativity in it. Whether you're an accountant tapping a calculator all day (creating order out of chaos) or if you are a road digger (creating the opportunity for something to be installed or fixed) or a dog walker (creating time to think - for yourself and undoubtedly for the dog owners too), we are all creating in some way, shape or form.
If you feel you are in a bit of a rut at the moment find your creativity - it will reconnect you to your purpose, it may even become your purpose.

Good luck!

for now

Be Inspired


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Friday, 21 January 2011

Can you really affect your own health with your mind?


If you've ever wondered about the Law of Attraction and all the floopiness that surrounds the teaching of it. If you've ever thought to yourself what a crock! Then watch this explanation of the cutting edge theories about how our minds control our genes rather than the other way around.

Sounds to me like we really can take control. Sounds to me that those people that want to continue saying 'Well it's just the way I am." are going to have to start to take some responsibility for their circumstances. Most people still won't. Most people like the comfort of feeling it's all out of their control - it's happening 'to' them rather than 'through' them.

I prefer to explore the idea that I am creating my life and what's happening in it - whether it's externally or internally.

What about you?

for now

Be Inspired


PS: Thanks Julieanne for the blog that led me to this video:

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Friday, 14 January 2011

Creating Good Habits


We're still in the 'Resolution' season so I thought I'd do a quick post about good habit creation.
Basically if you don't make your resolution a goal you will set yourself up to fail - the reason being with a resolution your aim is usually to start something 'good' or stop something 'bad'. The day you're not able to continue fulfilling this resolution (and it's going to happen) is the day you quit because you feel like you just failed.

So, here's a tip to creating good habits that move you towards your goal no matter how many times you are unable to fulfill it completely.

The rule of 21 and 4!

21 days of doing something (or not doing something - like smoking) is the first stage of creating a habit. After the first 21 days the habit will become embedded and you will find it easier and easier to keep up with it. 4 months in to the habit and you will have a fully embedded habit that is actually harder to stop than it is to continue.

This short video explains it a little better:

for now

Be Inspired


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Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Is a Life Ever Wasted?


I was daydreaming yesterday and found my mind drifting to thoughts of people I know who don't seem to be doing much with their lives. My immediate judgemental thought was that they were wasting their life away. On closer inspection it dawned on me that no matter how little they did, no matter how small their impact on lives around them they still had an affect. It made me consider whether anyone anywhere has ever truly wasted their life.
We can't possibly understand or measure the influence our actions have on another in fact even our inaction. Therefore, I imagine that every life affects other lives and therefore has meaning and value.

What about bad people? What about terrible people? Haven't they wasted the gift of life by making others miserable or worse - dead? Again, if you look a little closer you find that the worst of people in history have enabled those that observe their behaviour to learn, to unify, to try to understand and find meaning.

Next time you find yourself feeling that you don't matter, or that you're not doing or achieving as much as you should remember - you are having an influence on people around you, you are having an influence on people who have never met you but may have only heard about you. All you can really do is try and make that a positive influence rather than a negative one. Consider how you might positively affect all those that know or know of you.

That's got to be a good start right?

for now

Be Inspired


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