Friday, 4 November 2011

Is Profit King?

Hi there,

Just had a conversation with my other half over a morning cuppa
about banks and the profits they make. She was saying that their
sales targets for selling bogus products to their clients were

I argued that selling per se was completely fine - it's when the
products or services being sold were of no real benefit to the client
that it becomes immoral.

Salespeople up and down the country have targets they need to meet
'or else' and some of those targets are unrealistic as no market can grow
ad infinitum. Therefore it's the manager's responsibility to investigate
new markets for when existing ones are saturated or depleted.

It became apparent as the conversation went on that profit really is King
as without it none of us has a job - it's when profit becomes an oppressive
dictator that we need to have an overhaul.

The defining factor is whether sales are being truly and authentically serving
with respect to the buyer. If the sale only really benefits the company selling
then mis-selling is taking place.

What do you think?

for now

Be Inspired


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Thursday, 22 September 2011

X Factor USA is an inspiration.


Yep, you read correctly. Watch the excellent audition by Chris Rene
and then consider if there's a decision or choice you could make today that could change your life.

Some of the people auditioning are delusional - no doubt.
Some are just wishful thinking.
All have courage.

Let's take from this one thing - each and every day we ALL have the opportunity to change our lives.
I for one tip my hat to those brave people going for their dream on this show and others like it.

for now

Be Inspired


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Wednesday, 21 September 2011

The Purpose of Life


A moving, on-the-fly discussion of what life is really all about by Brendon Burchard.

After a participant suffered a seizure during one of Brendon's sold out seminars,
Brendon calmed the crowd (see "Miracle" video link below) and then discussed, on-the-fly,
his thoughts on life. While conducting the seminar, Brendon's father was fighting a losing battle against leukemia. These touching moments were sealed in the hearts of attendees forever.

Apologies you have to go to this link:
and then scroll down to the video titled:
The Purpose of Life

as I couldn't get it embedded here.

It's well worth the 20 minutes.

for now

Be Inspired


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Friday, 19 August 2011

Great Tony Robbins interview


Below is just about the most succinct video I've seen on getting in the zone to make a difference in your life. Tony Robbins, Frank Kern and John Reese discuss how to get people to implement. Implement change, implement a strategy, implement a business idea, implement a program for getting healthier, wealthier, happier.

It's about 30 minutes long but worth it.

Be Inspired


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Wednesday, 20 July 2011

What could happen Today?


Had to share this short thought provoking video with you.

for now

Be Inspired


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Thursday, 7 July 2011

Take the opportunity today to consider your death bed speech.


Sounds a bit morbid doesn’t it? It’s not supposed to be. Imagine for
a moment that you are on your death bed, not some day way off in
the future, but next week!

Your family and friends are gathered around the bed and you decide
to review your life. You thank them all for being loving friends and
family. You thank them for all the wonderful experiences they have
shared with you. You then consider if you have any regrets about
things you never got around to doing - 99% of us have them.
If you knew you were going to die within a few hours or days and
that those things would be left undone, unachieved - how would you

For me, I’d be pretty frustrated that I’d run out of time. I’d probably
lie there and ponder those missed opportunities and wonder why I
didn’t just get on and do them. Life is so short, I’d think, why didn’t
I just do them?

So that’s the point of today’s ponder - not to get morbid, but rather
to get motivated. Remember those things you keep saying you’d
love to do - then start planning them. Today!

Life IS too short.

for now

Be Inspired


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Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Do you suffer from the 'Feelback' Loop?


Huh? 'Feel'back loop - what am I talking about?

We've all heard of a feedback loop - the cause creates the effect which creates the cause which creates the effect etc. etc.
Well maybe we experience something similar through our feelings.

If you've ever studied the Law of Attraction you might have become a little frustrated that whatever you tried to manifest never actually showed up.
Much of the wisdom that came out after The Secret spoke about the 'missing' part: Action.
That's right, The Law of Attraction requires ACTION.

However, me and my other half were talking whilst walking our dogs this morning and we concluded that how we feel about something will actually have the greatest impact on whether we'll take the required action in order to manifest it.

For instance, she wants a Volvo V50 Estate. (It'd be good to put the dogs in!) But suppose every time she sees one she gets the 'feeling' that they're too much money, she doesn't need such a big car, she's showing off, - pretty soon she might start feeling: I don't need that car, I'll never afford it anyway, it's too big to drive and I prefer my small car etc. etc.
Then that leads on to: maybe there's a smaller version or cheaper version. Her feelings about the car change her desire to guilt and a sense of shame and a lack of confidence to be able to afford or even drive such a car. This then diminishes the chance of her ever taking the suitable action to GET the car as she's now convinced herself she doesn't want it.

Hey, I'm not like that - I hear some of you shout. I definitely want the thing I'm after!!

I know, I know - the thing is it could all be happening subconsciously.

So, when you have any thoughts about the goals you have set yourself be very aware of the 'feelings' you have about them. Notice any doubts. Root around in the back of you mind a bit and remember - the best tool to getting what you want is to 'act as if' you already have it. Get excited about it. Encourage a sense of achievement that you've already attained it.

Good luck

for now

Be Inspired


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Monday, 6 June 2011

The Paradox Of Choice


I watched a few videos on TED about choices and how they affect us.

One described our lives in the western world being improved by the
variations of spaghetti sauce available whilst another explained how
our cultural background influenced how successful our choices might be
at making us happier.

The one above leans towards the negative, explaining that too much choice
actually makes our lives worse. However, it is amusing in most part and laugh
out loud funny in other parts (approx. 14:50 mins in I had tears in my eyes!).

If you can spare the 20 mins to watch it I'm sure you'll find it as fascinating,
amusing, interesting and informative as I did - especially if you're in marketing
or product development.

Thank you TED.

for now

Be Inspired


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Monday, 16 May 2011

Give yourself the chance to fail.

Whoa! What?

I want you to fail at something - on purpose!?

That doesn’t make sense.

Actually, I’m not suggesting that you fail on purpose. I’m suggesting
that you try something that you’ll find really difficult. Something
that if you succeeded you’d really grow. Push yourself - hard! A bit
like yesterday’s guide of stepping outside of your comfort zone today
is about taking that to the nth degree.

So what will happen if you fail? You’ll be able to draw some
inspiration from the fact that you tried, maybe even came close.
Learnt what you might be able to do differently next time in order to
succeed. Realise that taking risks and raising your head above the
parapit drives you forward. If you only attempt things that you’re
pretty sure you can achieve how will you experience something

Going for it when others are afraid to or tell you you’re not able
enhances your living experience, it will get your adrenalin pumping
and it will put a smile on your face - once the grimace has worn off.

The world’s leading marketers have a term for failure - they call it
testing! So go and test.

But what if you succeed? Then wow! No more needs to be said.



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Sunday, 8 May 2011

Take the opportunity today to thank someone unexpectedly! It'll change their day. :)


We all like to be thanked, it shows us that we are appreciated and
valued and probably more fundamentally - noticed!
As we thank another we are sending that person something intangible
and immeasurable. But watch the reaction of the recipient. Some will
smile broadly and some will beam proudly while others will have a more
subtle reaction. A reation there will be though. In sending out that
thanks you will automatically open yourself to recieve it more readily
yourself and therefore feel valued and appreciated aswell.
Get in to the habit of enjoying thanking people and it could turn out
to be one of the easiest ways to positively influence your life and
the lives of those around you. When you search for the opportunity to
thank unexpectedly it will have the biggest impact. It’s second nature
to most people to thank someone if we have the door held open for us
or if someone gives us a lift but find that occurance when someone
does something they don’t expect you to notice. Maybe the postman will
pick up a piece of litter off your front lawn or the shop assistant
might run to fetch that bottle of milk you forgot while you’re at the
checkout. Search for it and you’ll find it and when you do you’ll find
yourself searching for that opportunity all the time.

Have fun looking. :)

for now

Be Inspired


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Monday, 11 April 2011

Celebrate today - celebrate anything, just celebrate!

Hi there,

We celebrate birthdays and religious holidays and anniversaries and
special days throughout the year, but then slip back in to our
everyday lives 99% of the time. When I was a kid I used to think it
would be great to have Christmas every day - why not? It was fun and
everybody was in a good mood. Obviously, I didn’t realise that what
makes Christmas ‘special’ is that it only happens once a year.
However, there’s nothing to stop us celebrating something else on the
other days. How about - it’s just great to be alive!
I’m not saying celebrate something every day (unless you want to), I’m
saying celebrate ‘any’ day. Just choose something to celebrate because
it’ll lift your mood, or reconnect you with friends, or cheer someone
else up. Here’s a few examples:

Happy Graduation Anniversary
Share A Cuppa Day
Cakes Have No Calories Day
I’ve Completed That Task I’ve Been Doing For Ages Day
A Hot Guy/Girl Smiled At Me Day
It’s Only Two Weeks To My Holiday Day

You get the idea. Have fun with it, then anytime you feel like you
need a special day just create one. :)

for now

Be Inspired


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Monday, 28 March 2011

Can you turn your perception in to your motivation?


I’m engaged in the Bob Proctor ‘Goal Achiever’s Program’ at the moment
and on one of the audios I’m listening to he spoke about perception.
It supposes that our perception of a situation directly influences our
action in that circumstance. EG: We’d gladly walk across a plank of
wood suspended 6 feet off the ground if there was a £1000 reward at
the other end, but we wouldn’t if the plank were 200 feet off the
ground. Then again, if our child was in a building that was on fire
and that plank bridged the gap between it and a neighbouring building
we would gladly cross it to save them.

I’ve listened to it a few times now and something dawned on me last
night as I was walking one of our dogs; if that’s true, which it seems
obvious that it is, then we can actually use that knowledge to
motivate ourselves more effectively.

Let’s say you have a task to do on your day off. It’s a bit of a dull
task but it needs doing. You might ordinarily decide to leave it and
do it another day and we all know what will happen there - the next
day becomes another day which becomes another day and so on and the
task remains to be done. Now consider that you put it in your mind
that your boss is going to give you a 20% rise if you get that task
completed today. Just think that. You’ll possibly find that actually
motivated you to consider doing the task. Really imagine it’s true,
imagine you just got off the phone with your boss, they were really
pumped up and excited about giving you that raise for completing that
task. Pretty soon you will feel a whole lot more motivated to do it.

Note: Keep the perception positive rather than negative, ie: imagine
the boss is going to give you a raise for doing it rather than
imagining he’ll fire you for not doing it. Positive outcomes are much
more compelling and motivational than negative ones.

Try it and see - it’s just a theory!

for now

Be Inspired


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Saturday, 26 March 2011

One of the most powerful things you can teach your kids.


What did we learn at school? What are our kids learning at school?

Basically as far as I can determine, they are learning to ‘follow’
established lines of thought, ‘follow’ existing strategies and
formulas, ‘follow’ what the teacher says. They’re then marked on how
well they have followed.

I remember getting into heated arguments with my daughter whilst
trying to help her with Maths homework. She was learning a new way of
doing multiplication, division etc. and I only knew the way I had
learned. I showed her how to get the correct answer using my ‘old
school’ formula but she became upset and angry because she would be
marked down if she didn’t do it the new way.

Now, learning in these ways has it’s uses of course, BUT, it doesn’t
teach how to think. How to reason. How to invent. And that’s where we
were all let down and how our kids are still being let down.

I suggest that one of the most valuable skills you can nurture in your
children is resourcefulness. A good chunk of their adult life will be
dedicated to accumulating resources, yet resources in themselves have
no intrinsic value. If you lose them or use them they’re gone! But if
you are resourceful you can replenish them indefinitely. Being
resourceful is a key skill of the successful. If you want your
children to grow up to be successful, emotionally, financially,
socially and in any other way then they will need to be resourceful.

Start today, here’s a head start just to get your own resourceful gear engaged:

for now

Be Inspired


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Monday, 21 March 2011

Are Your Needs Being Met?

Since myself and my other half got our dogs we have been on a journey
of discovery. We’ve had to learn so much about dog care, nutrition,
socialisation and behaviour. What we’ve discovered is that dogs are a
lot more work than you might expect - and lot more costly too!
Our greatest challenge without doubt has been behaviour. Our younger
dog Bailey has issues with puppies and also, more alarmingly, with
children. Our older dog Annie seems to just have social issues with
greeting other dogs.

The most enlightening piece of advice we have been given recently is
that whatever the dogs unwanted behaviour the reasoning is always to
do with the dog’s needs not being met. This really got me thinking.
What was it that our dogs needed that made them behave in the way they
did? Well that’s the $64m question. For some behaviour it’s security,
other behaviour is due to a lack of social grace, other times it’s
resource guarding. The observation certainly isn’t the silver bullet
to our problems but it at least allows us to put our focus where it is
actually needed - the dog! Every time we have an issue we ask - ‘What
did our dog need in that situation?’

This got me thinking about human behaviour and if it could be
categorised in the same way. I think it can. Think of unruly children,
shouting, being rude, being anti-social or even violent. It’s easy to
judge them whether they are toddlers or teenagers by blaming the
parents or labelling them as scum.

But apply the thought above and ask what needs might they have that
aren’t being met.

Maybe their parents haven’t given them guidelines, parameters or been
good role models. Maybe the school system has let them down by not
motivating them - after all everyone’s different and just because you
are not excited by the education system as it stands shouldn’t mean
you’re automatically not worth teaching. Rudolph Steiner’s system
certainly has a better record for pupil engagement than the state

This train of thought can then be applied to adults which act contrary
to our laws or values. Our prisons are full of people who didn’t
comply with the general populace’s view of a civil society. But, has
our society failed to meet their needs in some way? A large percentage
of inmates are illiterate which kind of suggests that at the education
stage we are letting down a lot of children to the degree that we are
breeding adults that have little opportunity to engage in our society
in the conventional way. They then feel excluded and a proportion turn
to crime.

So, the next time you find yourself quick to judge someone else, first
ask the question: ‘What needs might they have that aren’t being met?’

It will pose deeper questions about our so called ‘civil’ society.

The next time you find yourself feeling less than positive about your life
turn the question inward and ask 'What Needs Do I Have That Aren't Being Met?.

for now

Be Inspired


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Wednesday, 16 March 2011

What's most important? Running the race or winning the race?


Watch this moving video of Kelly Holmes winning her two Gold Medals then read the post underneath, I have an interesting question for you.

So, how do you think Kelly Holmes would answer the question in the title? If someone had said to her before each race 'Hey Kelly, you can have the Gold Medal, we know you're the best, there's no need to run' do you think she would have replied: 'Oh, great, thanks - I'll go get changed into my tracksuit then."

I don't think so.

The race is the challenge and the medal is the prize - the medal without the race means nothing. And I don't think it's about competing. I don't think it's about beating other people. I think it's about proving something to yourself.

So my question to you is: 'What prize are you after, and at what stage of the race are you in?'

If you haven't started yet that's ok - preparation is an important part of the process! If you don't do the prep you won't get past the first hurdle. Having said that, there's only so much prep you can do. You can't win the prize until you enter the race. Some of you I guess are already well in to the second or third laps, maybe you can even see the finishing line. Well done you! If you're struggling though and feel that you're not going to make it, dig deep, think of that podium, think of the roaring crowd, see yourself winning. This is your race and you can get that medal - but you have to keep going.

I hope you do.

for now

Be Inspired


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Tuesday, 8 March 2011

When was the last time you wrote a 'real' letter?


When was the last time you received a letter from someone? I mean a
real letter, handwritten, on paper! Think about it. Do you remember?
For the purposes of today’s guide I suggest you remember a nice
letter. Now try and remember how it made you feel to open that
envelope and find that letter. It’s a great feeling isn’t it? In the
rush of today’s hectic schedules we have resorted mostly to
communicating via the internet - Facebook, Twitter, Email etc. and
that’s fine. It’s fun and functional and can be done instantly. But
it’s not the same as receiving a letter.
Make someone’s day tomorrow and write them a letter today. It’s a much
more robust way of saying I care about you and I’m thinking about you
- if for no other reason than it took more time and effort to actually

Go get some paper and a pen. You’ll enjoy it too and maybe this will
become a frequent part of your life. I bet you the person you send a
letter to will send a reply the same way - then you’ll be the one
enjoying opening and reading a letter.

for now

Be Inspired


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Friday, 4 March 2011

How to LIVE


Watch this amazing video below then read the blog underneath - I have a question for you...

Amazing huh!

How many of the people in the video above are just lucky to be alive?

Quite a few.

Do you think that some of them went home that night and thought 'Wow! I'm lucky to be alive.
I've got a chance to start over. I should be dead right now. But I've got another chance.'

Now imagine it was you in one of those situations. Imagine that you weren't so lucky. Imagine that actually you were killed - I know, I know, it's a morbid thought but stay with me for a minute.
You die and float upwards looking at the scene of your death. After a moment of shock an arm slips around your shoulder, an angel is beside you and says:
'Would you like another chance?'
'Yes I would.' You reply. 'Can you do that for me?'
'I can on one condition.' The angel answers.
'Anything, what is it?'
'You have to ask yourself what it is you want to go back for - what do you want from your life?'
Of course at this point you'll probably think about just seeing your loved ones again etc. But the angel can read your mind and says:
'No, I want to know what you want to DO with your life, who you want to BE - why should you get a second chance?'
At this point you might review all those dreams and goals you had when you were younger, you might realise that you're not achieving them, you're not being the person you dreamed you would be. Then you may be able to convince the angel that if you had another chance you'd go for it, you'd stop worrying about this or that and you'd just go for it. No more mediocre, no more standing on the sidelines watching others fulfill their potential. You'd realise there was nothing to lose because right now you were dead and couldn't do anything at all. With a second chance at life you may as well just live your dream or die having tried your hardest.

So here's the question:
Why wait? Why wait to have a second chance?
Why not live the life of your dreams right now - today and every day. Tomorrow could be your last.
What would you say to the angel in order to get a second chance?

for now

Be Inspired


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Thursday, 10 February 2011

The Power of Thanks


This is the simplest thing in the world to do - and sometimes the hardest.

We all have occasions where saying thanks to someone really sticks in our side. Sometimes we might even decide not to say it at all. But saying thanks under those conditions can really make a difference, not only to the person you’re saying it too but to you too.
When you can say thanks, and mean it sincerely, you are on the path to building a bridge with that person. That relationship could end up growing stronger or at least more bearable.

On the easy side - saying thanks to someone who has just held the door open for you or moved aside to let you through can brighten their day. That thanks will wind its way through the day passing from one person to the next and the next.

Be the one that starts that process off and then enjoy the thought of where it might end up. You never know, your easy thanks in the morning could end up being someone else’s difficult thanks at the end of the day.

Nice thought huh?

for now

Be Inspired


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Saturday, 5 February 2011

Secret? What Secret?


You'd have to have been living in a cave for the last few years not to have heard of the phenomenon that is 'The Secret'.
But here's the thing - there is NO secret!

That's right, there is NO secret. What I mean by that is that if your life needs improving in any way - financially, emotionally, spiritually etc. then all the information you could ever want to help you improve your circumstances is out there ready and waiting.

What you have to do is LOOK!

If you've seen The Secret or read it you will have noticed that a lot of the cast mention reading certain books; Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill for example. These aren't hidden tomes stored away in secret libraries reserved for the intiated. They're out there in the market place waiting for open minds to give them a chance.

And if you're one of the few that have spent a lot of time looking for the answer but haven't found it yet, don't despair, keep looking. There is no failure per se. Only ways of finding something that doesn't work on your way to finding something that does.
Every successful person on the planet has failed on their journey, the difference between them and most people is they didn't give up.

“If you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate.”
– Thomas Watson, Sr. Founder of IBM

With the internet providing us with instant search results it's even easier these days to find the information that will help you.
Do some searches on these for a start, they might help you along: Anthony Robbins, Bob Proctor, Oprah, Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, Neale Donald Walsch, Michael Beckwith, Finer Minds, RSA.
See where they lead you and before you know it you'll find more information that will help you than you can imagine.

And remember there is NO secret - looking and searching is the answer.

for now

Be Inspired


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Sunday, 23 January 2011

Find your creativity, find your joy!


Em and I were talking last night whilst we walked our dogs about being creative. We debated what it meant to be creative. I was arguing that in order to be truly happy one must be creating. Even the simple single celled organisms live only to re-create. Our deepest desire is to re-create by pro-creating. It's the most natural thing in the system we know as life. Everything that is alive is trying to re-create.
So, maybe if we find ourselves stuck in a job or in a life that isn't in a process of creating we become depressed. After all - this is our purpose. As living entities we are driven to create. Em's point was that simply by tidying her desk she is creating - she's creating a calm space in which to work which might then lead on to more creative thought processes. We debated this point for a while until I conceded that she was right. (It often happens that way!)
So, my point today is we just need to turn our attention to what we are already doing and find the creativity in it. Whether you're an accountant tapping a calculator all day (creating order out of chaos) or if you are a road digger (creating the opportunity for something to be installed or fixed) or a dog walker (creating time to think - for yourself and undoubtedly for the dog owners too), we are all creating in some way, shape or form.
If you feel you are in a bit of a rut at the moment find your creativity - it will reconnect you to your purpose, it may even become your purpose.

Good luck!

for now

Be Inspired


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Friday, 21 January 2011

Can you really affect your own health with your mind?


If you've ever wondered about the Law of Attraction and all the floopiness that surrounds the teaching of it. If you've ever thought to yourself what a crock! Then watch this explanation of the cutting edge theories about how our minds control our genes rather than the other way around.

Sounds to me like we really can take control. Sounds to me that those people that want to continue saying 'Well it's just the way I am." are going to have to start to take some responsibility for their circumstances. Most people still won't. Most people like the comfort of feeling it's all out of their control - it's happening 'to' them rather than 'through' them.

I prefer to explore the idea that I am creating my life and what's happening in it - whether it's externally or internally.

What about you?

for now

Be Inspired


PS: Thanks Julieanne for the blog that led me to this video:

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Friday, 14 January 2011

Creating Good Habits


We're still in the 'Resolution' season so I thought I'd do a quick post about good habit creation.
Basically if you don't make your resolution a goal you will set yourself up to fail - the reason being with a resolution your aim is usually to start something 'good' or stop something 'bad'. The day you're not able to continue fulfilling this resolution (and it's going to happen) is the day you quit because you feel like you just failed.

So, here's a tip to creating good habits that move you towards your goal no matter how many times you are unable to fulfill it completely.

The rule of 21 and 4!

21 days of doing something (or not doing something - like smoking) is the first stage of creating a habit. After the first 21 days the habit will become embedded and you will find it easier and easier to keep up with it. 4 months in to the habit and you will have a fully embedded habit that is actually harder to stop than it is to continue.

This short video explains it a little better:

for now

Be Inspired


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Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Is a Life Ever Wasted?


I was daydreaming yesterday and found my mind drifting to thoughts of people I know who don't seem to be doing much with their lives. My immediate judgemental thought was that they were wasting their life away. On closer inspection it dawned on me that no matter how little they did, no matter how small their impact on lives around them they still had an affect. It made me consider whether anyone anywhere has ever truly wasted their life.
We can't possibly understand or measure the influence our actions have on another in fact even our inaction. Therefore, I imagine that every life affects other lives and therefore has meaning and value.

What about bad people? What about terrible people? Haven't they wasted the gift of life by making others miserable or worse - dead? Again, if you look a little closer you find that the worst of people in history have enabled those that observe their behaviour to learn, to unify, to try to understand and find meaning.

Next time you find yourself feeling that you don't matter, or that you're not doing or achieving as much as you should remember - you are having an influence on people around you, you are having an influence on people who have never met you but may have only heard about you. All you can really do is try and make that a positive influence rather than a negative one. Consider how you might positively affect all those that know or know of you.

That's got to be a good start right?

for now

Be Inspired


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