Thursday, 30 September 2010

Gay Bishops and Women Priests?


This post might be a bit controversial!

There's been a few things in the news recently about religion and the various doctrines. You know the ones - should women be ordained? can homosexuals be priests? etc. etc.

Here's my opinion:
No, women should Not be ordained because God doesn't think they are equal to men.
And No, gays shouldn't be priests because they are obviously openly sinning against God and what He wants.


Of course not. Neither of those beliefs are mine, it's just ridiculous isn't it?
Why are the world's 'Great' religions so primitive in their thinking. Oh, a book from a few thousand years ago says so. C'mon guys, think! Unless you're an absolute purist you have to interpret what scripture says and decide if what it's getting at is good or not. If it's not good, probably you're interpreting it wrong.

Is there really a hateful, vengeful, jealous God up there? I don't believe there is. I don't believe per se.
But if I did believe I'd have to believe that it was a peaceful, loving, merciful, all forgiving kind of God.
It always amazes me that so many people 'choose' to believe in a God that behaves more like you'd expect the devil to:
Stone your children to death if they don't believe in me!
Flood the entire planet and all the innocent creatures therein because 'some' people weren't doing as they were told!
Slaughter an entire city (including the innocent babies) because the adults were being decadent!

Hmm, sounds kind of evil really. Talking of which, ever noticed that the bad one in Eden was called Eve? Eve/Evil - coincidence? Oh yeah, that's why women are inferior.

Is it me or is this level of thinking for the intellectually impaired?

The Pope visited recently - he's infallible you know? He doesn't like the idea of women having any say in how the church is run - it says so in the Bible. Basically women should be silent when men are gathered (can't remember which passage that's in), it was pointed out to me by a Jehovah's Witness. A purist that believed that 'every' word in the Bible was true - but understood that of course we can't kill our own children for not believing - they just turn their backs on them instead, send them to coventry - I know I know, Leicester would be bad enough, but Coventry!

So does that sound spiritual, supportive, inclusive, loving? Not in my book, yet so many religions behave this way. A lot of Muslims will turn their backs on any that leave the faith, Scientologists behave the same, as do Mormons and apparently some orthodox Jews. Why? When someone close to you wants to expand their horizon by looking in a different direction why not support them? Maybe they'd change their mind after looking and come back. Not so, once they see how petty your reaction is to them excersing their God given right to free will. It's not like they are gonna have a go at being a drug dealer or hitman, then you'd have a case for being a bit miffed.

It smacks of massive ego attack - "What do you mean what I believe might be wrong?" - phew, what an affront! It seems the more religious a person is the more fragile their belief is. Can you imagine if you had an unshakeable belief, the love of your own child for instance, could anyone say or do anything that might make you question that? Of course not. There'd be no need to get angry if someone said that your love was fake, or untrue, or weak, or a lie. You'd know it wasn't and you'd think they were just being a bit silly for saying it. But say that someone's religion is any of the above and all hell breaks loose! Forget about the 10 commandments, kill the non-believers!! Absolute 'non-sense' - literally!

Even the Archbishop of Canterbury in a recent interview stated:
"Um, the point of praying is to open yourself up to God so God can do what he wants with you."

God, if he/she is there surely doesn't 'want' anything FROM us. What could he possibly want?
That's like saying a lab technician 'wants' bacteria in a petri dish to do this or that, and he'll get angry if they don't. Surely, he just wants to observe?

He (Archbishop) went on to say that his theological beliefs (which contradict his religious ones) couldn't be applied in his present job as they were incompatible! Huh?

Conclusion - I understand we can't throw the baby out with the bathwater where religion is concerned as all around the world incredible people work tirelessly to improve other's lives. But I think it's time that the higher eschelons of religious organisations should be more like their grass roots counterparts - helping people, of all colours and faiths in common unity, rather than squabbling over theological differences.

Mother Theresa would have been the best person in charge - alas, she was just a woman!


for now

Be Inspired


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Tuesday, 28 September 2010

You Choose!


Here in the UK the present coalition government has an awful lot of hard decisions to make to put the economy back on track. I guess it's the same everywhere (except in good 'ole Oz apparently!).

So part of their 'fair play' politics is to get the people involved in what cuts are to be made. Hmmm, we can go on a government website called 'YouChoose' and fiddle with the council tax in our area until we're happy with the cuts we've made to the services that are provided.

Trouble is, and I'm all for taking personal responsibility, BUT, the average person on the street is not qualified to choose where and how to spend billions of pounds of public money any more than they're able by consensus to tell a general how to fight a war. The people in those jobs are trained and qualified to do that. Maybe they're not all as good as each other but surely they're better than most of the rest of us.

This sounds more like some parlour trick of the government making it look like we The People are actually involved in the process. When in actual fact if any of it is taken on board they can blame US if things don't work out too well - well you did make the choices for your area they'll say. These were the cuts you decided on.

No! Government is there to govern, not take a roll call every time they think they might need a few more street cleaners. Can you imagine, the whole bloody thing would come to a standstill.

I say take responsibility - always, so excuse me government, you were voted in to govern, so govern.

What say you - The People?

for now

Be Inspired


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Friday, 24 September 2010

Cee Lo - do we or don't we need them?


Yeah, I know that title is a bit confusing.

I read an article yesterday about the soul singer Cee Lo Green. Apparently he has a new single coming out on Oct 4 called, controversially "F**k You!"

Go here if you want to see it:

(Contains swearing - obviously!! - but it's a catchy song!)

The fact that he's not courting conventional airplay with this song is not surprising when you consider the success he's having promoting it via the internet. YouTube alone has had 4.6m views to date (1m in the first 48hrs of release!!), not to mention the other social media platforms.

So the question is: do artists still need the big music companies to promote them anymore?

It seems yes, as Cee Lo is signed to a major label who are funding the video, web hosting, web marketing etc. I mean how much time would it take Cee Lo himself to do all that? So, even though these days it doesn't take a music contract with a major player to get your career on the go, it will need one eventually in order for you to sustain it and grow as an artist. It takes a few years of anybody's time to get the kind of following Radiohead have.

This got me thinking - we think the music giants aren't needed, only to find they are required just in a different way than before. How many other areas of our lives are similar? Parents spring to mind. As teenagers and young adults we think we know it all, our parents are old style and out of touch right? But move on just a few years and experience shows us that our parents are just as valuable to us as they ever were - just in a different way.

I'm sure there are many other ways to adopt that formula in our thinking. Religion for instance, now I'm not a fan of religion per se but, what if my own ideas about religion ie: that it's out of touch, old, irrelevant in today's society etc. are equally skewed. Maybe there is a way for religion to be just as valuable today - just in a different way.

Hmm, food for thought.

for now

Be Inspired


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Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Are companies like families?


Me and Em were chatting over lunch today and I thought I'd do a post about it.

We started off debating why companies (especially big ones) treat their employees so badly. We concluded that it's because staff are seen as commodities or even a necessary evil. Since company law decided that the company should be a separate entity on it's own (for the sake of the shareholders) and IT'S best interests should be paramount, it seems that the people that actually make the money FOR the company are just cogs in the machinery.

Of course this was all probably set up to encourage those with money to invest in company ventures with the safetynet of knowing all those working for the company had to put IT before themselves. But now it's gone too far. Too often an employee not coming up to scratch will be fired or 'managed out' and a replacement found. What about training? Oh yeah, there's plenty of training available in order for you to do your job better. But what other training could there be?

On to families, we all think that families are important yada yada, blood's thicker than water blah blah etc. etc. But why?
Most of us have some distant relatives that we don't see very often (weddings, christenings and funerals), and some relatives we don't see at all - maybe have never seen. So, are they part of our family? On a DNA level they are. Are they important to us? Probably no more than a perfect stranger in the street is. So what's all this gumpf about families then?

We concluded it's Not that family is important or that blood creates the bond but rather it's the relationship we have with the individuals within a family. It's the connection we have on a cerebral and spiritual level that creates the importance. We are closer to many of our friends than we are to members of our family - sometimes even close members!

And that's the crux of it - businesses should engage in relationships with their employees. They should treat their staff as connected members of the company family. When one person is not fulfilling their role to the level required, help and training and nurturing should be part of the process. A process to help the employee get what 'they' want. That way they'll be more inclined to go the extra mile in return, and be glad to do so. It's good to help people we care about - it makes us feel good, it strengthens the bonds between us. If companies employed this 'relationship' model across the board they might find a massive driving force for good coming from the grass roots up.

Or I could be talking utter twaddle!! What do you think?

for now

Be Inspired


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Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Does affirmation work?


Over the last few years, and especially since the release of The Secret, the Law of Attraction has been gathering followers around the globe. What you think about and focus on is what you get, and all that. Well a lot of people believe in it, although I for one have my own opinion of what's actually going on.

A big part of the process seems to be around 'affirmations'. You know, you get up in the morning and say: "Every day in every way I feel better and better." And your brain is supposed to take that message on board and make it real. Repetition is the key. Then there's 'afformation' - that's the same thing except you use a question to turbo charge the message, because the brain always goes searching for an answer when posed with a question - apparently.
So, your afformation might be: "Why is it that every day in every way I feel better and better?" - then your brain goes off to find answers that fit.

What a load of old horse poop I hear a lot of you say!

Maybe, but consider this observation (not mine), studies on criminal behaviour have found that most criminals started out in their youth, and although at the time they knew it was wrong and actually felt guilty about it, if they continued, they found those feelings fell away to be replaced with thoughts of acceptance. "What else could I do with my background?" or "If you'd had my upbringing you'd have turned out this way." etc. The point being the long term exposure to the idea inevitably makes it acceptable in a criminal's mind.

Maybe this is why it's so hard to rehabilitate a long term habitual criminal.

So if it works in the negative like that surely it can work in the positive too!

In the end what have you got to lose by doing affirmations, afformations, mantras etc.? You could have everything to gain.

for now

Be Inspired


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Friday, 17 September 2010

Quote for the day...


I'm reading 'Think and Grow Rich' by Napoleon Hill
and from that here is my quote for today:

"There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge."


"Both poverty and riches are the offspring of thought."

for now

Be Inspired


Thursday, 16 September 2010

Have you heard your Soul's voice?


Got an email from a lady called Karen Black today, and it asked a really simple but profoundly important question:
"At what age does your soul come calling?"

She quotes the philosopher James Hillman as saying:
“Sooner or later something seems to call us onto a particular path… this is what I must do, this is what I’ve got to have. This is who I am.”

To read the whole thing go to her blog here:

This is such a thought provoking question that I had to blog about it myself. What is my soul calling, what do I reeeeaaally want to be? When did I first hear this calling? If I'm honest, it was probably when I was kid. I loved to make up stories of wonder and mystery back then and it's what excites me still.

I need to put more time into that, we all get soooooo bogged down in the day to day stuff (which is important if we want a roof above our heads) but some of us, probably most of us, need to get better balance in our lives.

Go and read her blog, it's going to get you thinking.

for now

Be Inspired


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Saturday, 11 September 2010

Great picture

This is a lovely picture...

Where Time Stands Still (Morning Glory)

Courtesy of Joel Bedford:

Very Lord of the Rings-esque!

for now

Be Inspired


Friday, 10 September 2010

Do you have Permission?


I was having my 3rd 'No Hands' massage the other day and the question I was asked in our chat before hand was what would I like to get from the massage? How would I like to feel? And what type of massage would I like? That's the way it works with the 'No Hands' approach - it's much more holistic!
So I answered I wanted to feel more energised, stronger and more invigorated, I mean who wouldn't right? So we decided on a split between a nourishing massage and a release massage. As I lay there and let the somewhat upbeat music engulf me, I consciously relaxed my body in to the bed. Within just a couple of minutes of trying to concentrate on my breathing (as instructed) I found myself seeing the word 'Release' over and over.
My analytical mind started working...release what, yeah, sure I've felt a little tense recently - I've got a lot going on. But it was a little more complex than that. I needed to 'release' something all together deeper. And that's when the word 'Permission' drifted through the periphery and it became a lot clearer.

How many ways do we all hold ourselves back from doing something? But also, how many ways do we keep ourselves from stopping something? And I'm not just talking about the physical acts here. I'm talking about emotional stuff. So what's the permission all about? Well, I decided at the moment that I was going to give myself permission to giveup with something I've been trying for quite a while now (a business thing). When I say giveup, I mean change direction, re-evaluate, put on the back burner etc. And I don't even mean right away, I mean, I have permission to stop doing that thing whenever I want. Guilt free! Without feeling like a failure. Today, tomorrow, in a week or a month or whenever.
And you know what? I immediately felt invigorated to have the weight off, I felt energised by the thought I didn't have to keep slogging away, I could just STOP.

Funny that.

I got just what I wanted. And now, I feel stronger going forward and today I continued with the project a bit further, but I felt a whole lot calmer about it.

What permission could you give yourself today?

for now

Be Inspired


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Thursday, 9 September 2010

Derren Brown amazing programme!


Did anyone (in the UK) see Derren Brown's new programme last night?
Amazing inspirational stuff. The vid below is the teaser, and you can see the rest by clicking thru the YouTube links afterwards.
I urge you to watch it even if you hate Derren Brown (like my other half), I think you might just change your mind - a bit. :)

Watch, enjoy, and I'd love to hear what you think, if you can't leave a comment here (this blogger platform is a bit clumsy I know) then just send me an email.

for now

Be Inspired


Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Albert Einstein on intuition

"The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, and the solution comes to you and you don't know how or why..."

Yeah, but are we listening?

for now

Be Inspired


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Tuesday, 7 September 2010

You are what you eat - really?

Hi there,

Gandhi once said:
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”


How are the animals treated in this country, and I don't just mean the ones that are eaten?
How many dog breeders out there actually care for the animals they're breeding? Not many I'd guess, it seems they are just treated as an income generator. Once they are used up, they are disposed of, either in horrendous ways I won't mention or simply 'given' to rescue centres or dog fosterers. (Basically, just get rid of them so I can get a new bitch in to breed with.)

I think there should be some kind of training commitment adhered to by all new dog owners. Maybe they have to complete a government recognised course on dog behaviour and welfare before they get given a license for a dog. Surely that would cut down on the amount of ignorant owners out there that just want a dog as a status symbol or accessory.

This is true of most pets, they're just bred for profit with little or no regard for the welfare of the animal.

That's my rant over with!

Then there's the animals bred for food.
Over the last few years I've noticed many more programmes being made about animal welfare and husbandry that are in the food chain, but how many people really care, especially if it costs more?

A couple of friends I train with were talking recently about finding a new supplier that would sell them 100 chicken breasts for £30!
Think about that, that's 50 chickens for £30. 60p per chicken!
Surely a chick has got to cost a farmer 20p or more right? Then there's feeding it for however many weeks (12 typically) till it's grown - say another 20p each. Then it needs to be transported to the abattoir, killed, butchered, and packed - that's got to cost a minimum of 20p each. So that's 60p in costs so far, not to mention any profit for the farmer. Then the end seller has to market it and deliver it and a make a profit within the remaining 0p per chicken!!!

So how do you think a chicken is raised in a pricing environment like that? Probably not well, probably in one of those cramped windowless barns with their other inmates dying around them and left where they lie.
If the old adage that 'You are what you eat' is true, then anyone consuming these chickens is eating misery, disease, fear and hopelessness. Not what I want on my plate.

Would love to hear your comments.

for now

Be Inspired


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Saturday, 4 September 2010

What a 6 year old can teach us...


A friend sent me an email the other day and I thought I would do a post featuring it here:

Title: A Dog's Purpose? (From a 6 year-old).

Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolfhound named Belker. The dog's owners, Ron, his wife Lisa, and their little boy Shane, were all very attached to Belker, and they were hoping for a miracle.

I examined Belker and found he was dying of cancer. I told the family we couldn't do anything for Belker, and offered to perform the euthanasia procedure for the old dog in their home.

As we made arrangements, Ron and Lisa told me they thought it would be good for six-year-old Shane to observe the procedure. They felt as though Shane might learn something from the experience.

The next day, I felt the familiar catch in my throat as Belker’s family surrounded him. Shane seemed so calm, petting the old dog for the last time, that I wondered if he understood what was going on Within a few minutes, Belker slipped peacefully away.

The little boy seemed to accept Belker's transition without any difficulty or confusion. We sat together for a while after Belker's Death, wondering aloud about the sad fact that animal lives are shorter than human lives.
Shane, who had been listening quietly, piped up, ''I know why.''

Startled, we all turned to him. What came out of his mouth next stunned me. I'd never heard a more comforting explanation. It has changed the way I try to live.

He said, “People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life -- like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right?”
The 6 year-old continued, “Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don't have to stay as long.”

Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.

Remember, if a dog was the teacher you would learn things like:

When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.

Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.

Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure Ecstasy.

Take naps.

Stretch before rising.

Run, romp, and play daily.

Thrive on attention and let people touch you.

Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.

On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.

On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.

Be loyal.

Never pretend to be something you're not.

If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.

When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by, and nuzzle them gently.


for now

Be Inspired


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